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Related Websites

Please explore the following related web sites. If you know of a related site that is not listed here, please contact the page administrator.


Association for Moral Education 

Interdisciplinary forum for professionals interested in the moral dimensions of educational theory and practice. The Association is dedicated to fostering communication, cooperation, training, curriculum development, and research that links moral theory with educational practice.


Developing Inclusive Youth

An interactive tool designed by Melanie Killen and her research team at the University of Maryland to reduce social exclusion in young people.  To read more about the tool, see here.


Center for Character and Citizenship

Character education research program Co-Directed by Marvin Berkowitz out of the Unviersity of Missouri, St. Louis



Character Education Partnership (CEP)



Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL)

Directed by Dr. Roger Weissberg, Professor of Psychology, UICA comprehensive site for social and emotional learning.



Developmental Studies Center



Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

Lesson Plans and curriculum are at the heart of the Character Education Program at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University.  The Center also offers workshops for teachers and presentations on raising an ethical child.




 Copyright © 1995-2024 Larry Nucci 

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