School Rules, Climate, Classroom Management and Discipline
Social Life in Schools and Classrooms: Establishing the Foundation for Moral Development - Section II from Nice is Not Enough: Facilitating Moral Development, by Larry Nucci.
Chapter 4: Schools and Classrooms as Moral Institutions: Rules,Norms, and Procedures covers three basic aspects of school and classroom social environments: the rules, norms and procedures, the emotional climate, and the teacher's approach to discipline and transgressions
Chapter 5: Facilitating Moral Development Through School Climate and Developmental Discipline continues looking at the contribution of the social atmosphere of the classroom to students' social, emotional, and moral development.
Additional Sources

Guidelines for Implementing Constructivist Alternatives to Discipline, by Rheta DeVries and Betty Zan. This is an excerpt from Moral Classrooms, Moral Children: Creating a Constructivist Atmosphere in Early Education, New York: Teachers College press, 1994. These guidelines are ones that stem from a developmental approach to early education.
Developmental Discipline, by MarilynWatson, Daniel Solomon, Victor Battistich, Eric Scaps, and Judith Solomon. This is an excerpt from the chapter, "The Child Development project: Combining Traditional and Developmental Approaches to Education", in L. Nucci (Ed.) "Moral Development and Character Education: A Dialogue", Berkeley, McCutchan, 1989. The excerpt presnts a developmental approach to classroom discipline for the elementary school setting.
Rules, Right and Wrong, and Children: Analyzing Situations for Understanding and Leadership in preschool and Elementary School Contexts, by Elsa K. Weber. Using actual classroom events from preschool and home day care settings, guidelines are provided for how to identify the moral, social-conventional, or personal nature of social events. Suggestions are provided for how teachers and care-givers might best respond to each type of social issue in order to help children develop their understandings of social rules.