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Recently Published and Relevant Articles  (click for access to articles)

Nucci, L. (2021). How can moral education contribute to social justice? Op-ed for Association for Moral Education.


Ilten-Gee, R. (2020). From pen to podcast: Facilitating critical moral reasoning and critical consciousness through narratives of personal conflict. Media Education Research Journal, 9(2). (Click here for article)


Killen, M. (2019). Developing Inclusive Youth: How to Reduce Social Exclusion and Foster Equality and Equity in Childhood. American Educator (Fall, 2019). 


Nucci, L., Turiel, E., & Roded, A., (2017). Continuities and Discontinuities in the Development of Moral Judgments. Human Development, 60, 279–341. doi:10.1159/000484067.


Midgette, A. (in press). Chinese and South Korean Children’s Moral Reasoning Regarding the Fairness of a Gendered Household Labor Distribution. Journal of Developmental Psychology.


Midgette, A., Ilten-Gee, R., Powers, D., Murata, A., & Nucci, L. (in press). Using Lesson Study in Teacher Professional Development for Domain Based Moral Education. Journal of Moral Education.


Nucci, L. (2017). Character: A multifacted developmental system. Journal of Research in Character Education, 16, 1–16.  

Ilten-Gee, R. & Hilliard, L. (2019). Moral reasoning in peer conversations in game-based learning: An exploratory study. Journal of Moral Education. doi:10.1080/03057240.2019.1662775


Midgette, A. (2017). Children’s strategies for self-correcting their social and moral transgressions and perceived personal shortcomings: Implications for moral agency. Journal of Moral Education, doi:10.1080/03057240.2017.1396965.


Ilten-Gee, R. (2017). Complicating moral messages through multimodal composition: wrestling with revenge and racism. Ethnography and Education, doi:10.1080/17457823.2017.1388185.


Midgette, A., Noh, J.Y., Lee, I.J., & Nucci, L. (2016). The development of Korean children's and adolescents' concepts of social convention. Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology, 47, 918–928doi:10.1177/0022022116655775


Nucci, L., Creane, M., & Powers, D., (2015). Integrating moral and social development within middle school social studies: A social cognitive domain approach, Journal of Moral Education, 44, 479–496. doi:10.1080/03057240.2015.1087391. 


Hidalgo, M.A., Ehrensaft, D., Tishelman, A.C., Clark, L.F., Garofalo, R., Rosenthal, S.M.,...Olson, J. (2013). The gender affirmative model: What we know and what we aim to learn. Human Development, 56, 285–290. doi:/10.1159/000355235


Durlack, J., & Weissberg, R. (2011). Promoting social and emotional development is an essential part of students' education. Human Development, 54, 1–3. doi:10.1159/000324337


Killen, M., Rutland, A., & Ruck, M. (2011). Social policy report: Promoting equity, tolerance, and justice in childhood. Society for Research in Child Development, 25. 


Turiel, E. (2010). Snap judgment? Not so fast: Thoughts, reasoning, and choice in psychological realities, Human Development, 53, 105–109. doi:10.1159/000315167


Nucci, L. & Turiel, E. (2009). Capturing the complexity of moral development and education. Mind, Brain and Education, 3, 151–159. 


Morality and Religious Rules. From Education in the Moral Domain, by Larry Nucci (2001).


Smetana, J. (1999). The role of parents in moral development: A social domain analysis. Journal of Moral Education, 28, 311–321. doi: 10.1080/030572499103106.


Berkowitz, M., & Grych, J. (1998). Fostering goodness: Teaching parents to facilitate children’s moral development. Journal of Moral Education, 27, 371–391. doi:10.1080/0305724980270307.


Willard, N. (1998). Moral development in the information age. In Proceedings of the Families, Technology, and Education Conference (Chicago, IL, October 30-November 1, 1997); see PS 027 175.


Battistich, V., Solomon, D., & Watson, M. (1998). Sense of community as a mediating factor in promoting children's social and ethical development.


Synthesis of Research on Moral Development by Larry Nucci.


Nucci, L. (1997).  The personal domain. 


Kohn, A., (1997). How not to teach values: A critical look at character education. Phi Delta Kappan.


Helwig, C., Turiel, E., & Nucci, L. (1997). Character education after the bandwagon has gone. Paper presented in, L. Nucci (Chair), Developmental perspectives and approaches to character education. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, March 1997.  


Clark Power, F. (1997). Understanding the character in character education. Paper presented in, L. Nucci (Chair), Developmental perspectives and approaches to character education. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, March 1997.


Berkowitz, M. (1997). Integrating structure and content in moral education. Paper presented in, L. Nucci (Chair), Developmental perspectives and approaches to character education. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, March 1997.


Clark Power, F., & Makogon, T. (1996). The Just Community Approach to care. Journal for a Just and Caring Education, 2, 9–24. â€‹


Hansen, D. (1996). Teaching and the moral life of classrooms. Journal for a Just and Caring Education, 2, 59–74. 


DeVries, R., & Zan, B. (1994). Moral classroom, moral children: Creating a constructivist atmosphere in early education. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.



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